We are commercial distributors for El Transcantabrico, Costa Verde Express, Tren Al Andalus, El Expreso de La Robla, and Transiberian…

Office hours

M-F 09:30 - 14:30 / 16:30 - 19:30

(0034) 913 095 131

M-F: 09:30 - 14:30 / 16:30 - 19:30

C/Ricardo Ortiz 14, Madrid (Spain)

Blog The Al Andalus Train
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Blog: The Al Andalus Train

Welcome to the blog of the Al Andalus train, a jewel of railway engineering that travels through some of the most beautiful landscapes in southern Spain. The Al Andalus train offers an exclusive luxury experience with personalized service, combining the rich Andalusian history and culture with the comfort and style of modern life.

Aboard the Al Andalus Train

You can enjoy a wide range of unique services, from elegant and comfortable suites to exquisite meals prepared by award-winning chefs, all while traveling through stunning landscapes of mountains, beaches, and historic cities.

This blog is designed to give you an overview of what you can expect during your journey on the Al Andalus train, as well as to provide detailed information about the different itineraries and tourist attractions you can visit along the way.

Join us on this dream journey through southern Spain, discover the best-kept secrets of Andalusia, and enjoy an experience you will never forget. Welcome aboard the Al Andalus train!