We are commercial distributors for El Transcantabrico, Costa Verde Express, Tren Al Andalus, El Expreso de La Robla, and Transiberian…

Office hours

M-F 09:30 - 14:30 / 16:30 - 19:30

(0034) 913 095 131

M-F: 09:30 - 14:30 / 16:30 - 19:30

C/Ricardo Ortiz 14, Madrid (Spain)

Tourist train videos
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Tourist train videos in Spain

The Transcantabrico

Discover the Transcantabrico Grand Luxury

The Transcantabrico Grand Luxury: an exclusive journey

Enjoy aboard the Transcantabrico Grand Luxury

More about the Transcantabrico Grand Luxury

The Transcantabrico Grand Luxury through Northern Spain

The Costa Verde Express

Discover Green Spain on the Costa Verde Express

Al Andalus

We present to you the Al Andalus Train.

Life on board the Al Andalus

24hrs on a luxury train

La Robla Express

A palace on wheels